Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Music Genome

During our music genome project I got to become more familiar with iMovie and I learned how to fix a picture if it was getting cut off. I understood what you wanted on the slideshow and anything else I needed to know I just asked you. I thought this was a little difficult but it was cool when I finally figured out how to do something and when I finished. I was happy with the type of music because it was easy to get songs but a little difficult to find information. I’m happy that I figured out how to get a video off iTunes and put it in the presentation. These are my thoughts on my music genome project.

Music Genome

During our music genome project I got to become more familiar with iMovie and I learned how to fix a picture if it was getting cut off. I understood what you wanted on the slideshow and anything else I needed to know I just asked you. I thought this was a little difficult but it was cool when I finally figured out how to do something and when I finished. I was happy with the type of music because it was easy to get songs but a little difficult to find information. I’m happy that I figured out how to get a video off iTunes and put it in the presentation. These are my thoughts on my music genome project.

Friday, October 22, 2010

iMovie Project

I though project was little difficult because we had so many things we had to combine and tools we had to use. I didn't necessarily like this project but I think I became more familiar with iMovie even though I already knew iMovie for the most part. I like that we got to work on a group so if I get stuck on something I know I can go to someone else in our group for help. This was my favorite part of this project but i also like that we had plenty of time to finish and perfect this project. These are the things i liked and disliked about this project.