Friday, September 24, 2010

Vocal Podcast

1.  What tools and techniques did you use to create your podcast?
I used jingles and put pictures into the podcast to create it.

2.  How could you use a project like this in other classes?
You could use a project like this in other classes by using this to talk about a topic that we have been currently discussing in class.

3.  In the “real world”, how could podcast projects be used (In what careers/businesses, etc.)?
A manager of a business could make a podcast and send it to their employees to tell them about important information.

4.  What part of the assignment was easy for you?   What was difficult?
Making the script was easy for me. Recording the script was hard because sometimes I didn’t record it right and had to redo it. Getting the pictures and jingles on weren’t hard but I had to make them the right length which made it time consuming.

5.  What part of the directions would you like to clarify?
No, I understood all of the directions. If there was something I needed help on I would just ask you.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Soccer Slideshow

           In the project where we had to make a powerpoint of an activity or sport I liked a lot of things. I liked how we got to work in a group because we could go to our group members for help. I also liked how we got to pick who we wanted in our group. We also didn’t have to worry about doing the project all on our own. This is my favorite project so far because of all that. There was nothing new with this project. I already knew how to make a powerpoint and to copy and paste pictures. I also already knew how to edit the sildes.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

iPhoto Slideshow

      During our name project I learned how to do a bunch of things. I learned how turn a bunch of pictures into a slideshow and how to put music on that slideshow. I also learned how to export my video to somewhere else like to my tech apps. folder or anywhere else I might need to export something. I like finding cool pictures of the letters and getting to add pictures of things that we are interested in. I didn’t like having to find pictures of the letters and things that we were interested in but when I got the slideshow finished I thought it all was cool. Overall I thought the project was fun.

M&M Project

During the M&M Project I didn’t really learn anything during the M&M Project. I already knew how to do use Microsoft excel and finding the sum of the numbers using Microsoft excel. The things I liked about this project were being able to eat all the M&Ms after we were done. I also liked going around and seeing what everybody else got for their results. I thought the graph we had to put on the project was cool being able to see the results physically. I don’t think there was anything that I didn’t like about this project. Overall this was a fun project.